For mental health or addictions information, support or crisis services, contact Reach Out at 519-433-2023
or 1-866-933-2023.

Shower Hour (Ingersoll)

This drop-in program offers basic personal hygiene supports, such as access to a shower and dental supplies. Peer Support staff are also onsite to connect with people as needed. This group is open to anyone in need of hygiene supports in the Oxford area. 

This is a partnership with the Ingersoll Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic (INPLC).

Please note, there is no program on July 1 or August 5. 

Dates: Mondays, ongoing

Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Location: Ingersoll Nurse Practitioners Office, 19 King Street E., Ingersoll

For more information:


Jun 03 2024


10:00 am - 11:30 am
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