For mental health or addictions information, support or crisis services, contact Reach Out at 519-433-2023
or 1-866-933-2023.

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CMHA National

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  • Executive Leadership

    Pam Tobin | CEO
    Dean Astolfi | Vice President, Supportive Housing & Program Development
    Shawn Gilhuly | Vice President, Finance & Corporate Services
    Lori Hassall | Vice President, Programs & Services
    Wendy Sanderson | Director, Fund Development & Communications
    Patricia Verkley | Director, People Services

  • Directors

    Cathy Nolan | Director, Street Level Women At Risk
    Christine Sansom | Director, Medical Services
    Colette Nenez-Grover | Director, Enterprise Risk Management
    Jaclyn Seeler | Director of Strategic Initiatives, Women’s Homelessness
    Jesse Lake | Director, System Performance
    Karna Trentman | Director, Community Programs & Peer Support
    Lori Griffith | Director, Crisis & Access
    Matt Collins | Director, Corporate Finance
    Pam Hill | Director, Strategy
    Patricia Verkley | Director, People Services
    Megan Hostland | Director, Treatment & Recovery Services
    Saad Aldin | Director, Corporate Systems
    Sandra McCabe | Director, Women’s Services
    Wendy Sanderson | Director, Fund Development & Communications

  • Communications & Support


    Jillian Driessen | Communications Coordinator
    Kelly Morgan | Events Manager & Communications


    Peggy-Jo Grass | Executive Support

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