For mental health or addictions information, support or crisis services, contact Reach Out at 519-433-2023
or 1-866-933-2023.

Parents Support Group in Spanish

This group is designed to promote wellness through sensitive educational and informative sessions within a cultural context to facilitate social support and promote recovery with multicultural groups in the community. This group is intended for Spanish speaking parents. Childcare is provided on site.

Location: In-person, SLNRC, 1119 Jalna Blvd.

Dates: January 1 – May 26, 2023

When: 4th Friday of every other month, 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Registration:  via email

For more information/registration: Tina Neeb,

Family & Community Support Worker, MAPP & CAPC programs, Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Care.

519-434-6848 ext. 408

Grupo de Apoyo para Padres en Espanol ( en Persona)

Este grupo es disenado para promover el bienestar integral a traves de sesiones educativas e informativas sencibles con el context cultural para facilitar el apoyo social y promover la recuperacion con grupos multiculturales en la comunidad. Este grupo esta dirigido a padres que hablan espanol. El servicio de Cuidado de Ninos es proporcionado en el mismo lugar. Este programa se realiza en asociacion con Merrymount – MAPP, CMHATV- My Sisters’ Place.

Lugar: 1119 Jalna Blvd., SLNRC

Tiempo: Septiember 23 – Mayo 26, 2023

Dia: 4 Viernes Cada dos meses, 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Registro: Via telefono/email

Para Registrarse / information: Tina Neeb – Trabajadora de apoyo a la familia y Comunidad – MAPP & CAPC at Merrymount 519-434-6848 ext. 408  o  email:


Jan 27 2023


4th Friday every other month
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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