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Champion of Mental Health & Addiction Awards 2024

To nominate a candidate, please complete a nomination form.

The Champion of Mental Health & Addiction Awards are presented by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services and honour both an individual and an organization in the City of London and counties Elgin, Middlesex, and Oxford who have made a significant contribution in the following areas:

  1. Reducing stigma experienced by people with mental illness and/or addiction
  2. Providing support or treatment to people with mental illnesses and/or addiction, their families and/or caregivers
  3. Advocacy for issues related to mental health and/or addiction (including individual needs, family needs, service delivery and systemic issues)
  4. Advancing knowledge in the area of mental health and/or addiction research

Nominations can be submitted in the following categories:

Individual: A single person or a group of persons who are not affiliated with a professional organization and do not represent a professional organization.

Organization: An established organization that is operating with a business model.

Award Selection

The Champion of Mental Health & Addiction Awards recipients are selected by an independent Selection Committee of volunteers who have a strong interest in mental health and addiction. Once the nominations close, the Selection Committee selects the award recipients who will be honoured at the Breakfast of Champions event, which takes place on May 7, 2024.

Award recipients will be given the opportunity to give brief remarks at the event and should be prepared to speak.


Any individual who is not employed by or a Board member of CMHA TVAMHS may submit a nomination. An employee or Board member currently employed or serving on the board cannot be nominated for their work with CMHA TVAMHS.

To nominate a candidate, please complete a nomination form.

All applications must be received by noon on Friday, March 22, 2024.

Each application must also include at least one supporting statement and/or article (for example, a newspaper article, blog post, artwork, audio file, song, etc) about the nominee and why you have chosen to nominate them.

You may also submit up to two letters of support for the nomination

All nominees will be notified of their nomination. We suggest the nominators notify the nominees ahead of time about the nomination.

The award recipient’s names will remain in strict confidence by the Selection Committee until they are announced at the Breakfast of Champions.

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