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A Year in Review and a Look into the Future of CMHA Thames Valley Addiction & Mental Health Services

This week, we hosted our Year in Review event, an opportunity for us to reflect on the successes and challenges from our previous fiscal year and look ahead to the next year. The event welcomed staff, volunteers, community partners, and elected officials. Attendees were able to hear from our CEO Pam Tobin, our Board of Directors, and members of our executive leadership team on accomplishments from the past year as well as what’s next for CMHA TVAMHS.

Part of the evening included an introduction to our new Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is a blueprint that will guide our organization for the next three years. Please find it on pages 9 and 10 of our 2023-2024 Annual Report.

This plan is the result of collaboration from staff, Board members, and community partners, careful analysis, and a shared vision for our future. Our goal is to not only meet the challenges of tomorrow but to set the bar for excellence in community-based mental health and addiction care in our communities.

At our Year in Review, presenters went into further detail on the four Strategic Priorities of the Plan, the work already being done to achieve these goals, and what’s next. This includes:

A copy of the presentation shared at the event can be found here.

This is our first Strategic Plan as an integrated organization and we are confident that with the expertise of our talented staff, CMHA TVAMHS will meet these goals. Together, we will reinforce the organization and continue delivering exceptional care to some of the most marginalized communities in Thames Valley with effective solutions to complex challenges.

We look forward to working together with our funders and community partners to bring our vision to life and make a lasting impact on our community.

Review our 2023-2024 Annual Report, including our 2024-2027 Strategic Plan, by clicking here.

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