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Eating Disorder Residence

The Eating Disorders Residence is a voluntary 8 bed residence offered in partnership with London Health Science Centre’s Adult Eating Disorders Service (AEDS). It offers specialized supports and programs in a home-like, community setting for those 18+ who have an eating disorder diagnosis and need 24-hour support to interrupt eating disorder symptoms.

Clients who stay in the residence participate in AED day treatment service and are supported 24/7 by Canadian Mental Health Association Thames Valley Addictions and Mental Health Services (CMHA TVAMHS) Addiction and Mental Health Workers. Individualized treatment plans are created for each client; however, our overarching goal is to help participants normalize their eating, decrease and eliminate unhelpful behaviours, increase coping with emotions and address unhelpful beliefs they have about themselves and their bodies.

Admission Criteria

Eating Disorder diagnosis and a physician referral. Currently, we treat adults with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and other specified feeding and eating disorders.

Referral Process

Referrals can be found at:

The AEDS requires a physician referral.

Physicians must complete the Adult Ambulatory Mental Health Referral. When the referral is received, the patient will be contacted with a date and time to meet with a clinician for an initial assessment. A medical assessment may be recommended.

Following the assessment, treatment recommendations will be made and shared with the patient. A consultation note will be forwarded to the referring physician unless otherwise requested.

Who can make a referral?

Referrals can be made by physicians. 

What We Offer

Helpful Links

National Eating Disorder Information Centre
CAMH – Centre for Addiction & Mental Health 
National Eating Disorders Association

Location & Contact

Adult Eating Disorders Service (AEDS) London Health Sciences Centre
Phone: 519-685-8500 ext. 74793
Fax: 519-433-4412

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