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The Micro Enterprise

A social enterprise is a business with a social purpose – with a mission. We call our social enterprise the Micro Enterprise (ME) because it supports one woman at a time as she declares her intention and her creative vision for empowered self-sustainability and joins our team of artisans creating original jewelry and fashion accessories.

Established in 2007, the Micro Enterprise program empowers women to learn a full complement of skills that may lead to re-entering the workplace, further educational pursuits, or entrepreneurial opportunities. These skills include marketing, business planning, sales and inventory management. Each piece of jewelry or textile created represents hours of learning, mentoring and community-building among the members of the collective.

Micro Enterprise participants are women who have mentally prepared themselves to take this next step which demands their tenacious commitment and discipline. A close network of supportive artisans welcomes vetted newcomers into the enterprise all the while embracing the importance of team. A dedicated Micro Enterprise Facilitator oversees this venture, encouraging woman to take ownership of key functions of the business with the goal of improving their socio-economic status and overall well-being. Income generated is split at 80% to the individual and 20% back to support the program. The environment is respectful and encouraging and women often develop friendships outside of the program.

Approximately 12 women participate at a time. As space allows, new woman are welcomed, oriented to the ME philosophy and mentored by the group. Artists earn 80% of sales on items they created while 20% remains in the collective to purchase tools, findings and cover other program costs.

Shop the Coach House

Want to do some socially conscious shopping? Stop by the beautiful Coach House behind My Sisters’ Place to shop the locally crafted goods at the Micro Enterprise program.

You can shop Tuesday-Thursday between 10 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 3 pm.


Our artisans re-purpose stones, beads, chains and other pieces of jewelry to create new pieces. You can donate seldom worn or broken jewelry by dropping them off at My Sisters’ Place between 10 am and 3 pm Monday-Friday. When you donate, you help woman move forward to a more prosperous future.

Book a ME Sales Table for Your Event

Our artisans are always looking for opportunities to sell their pieces at events. Email us for more information:

Without you, there is no ME.