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French Mental Health & Addiction System Navigation Program

About the French Mental Health & Addiction System Navigation Program

This program provides access to mental health and/or addiction support services in French.

The System Navigator

The System Navigator will help you access the services of mental health and addiction professionals including access to 10 hours of free psychotherapy and access to psychiatrist consultations, if needed. You will be connected to French-speaking professionals either in person or virtual as needed.

These services include:

By gaining the support of and working with a variety of local organizations and healthcare professionals, this program aims to develop a support network for delivering services and building links to provide clients with continuing care.

Are You Feeling?

Stressed… isolated… lonely… sad… overwhelmed… angry… nervous… scared… frustrated… like you don’t belong and/or having bad dreams?

Do You Wonder?

Is your use of alcohol, drugs, gambling or gaming activities:

Hurting you… taking too much of your time… stopping you from doing things you like… creating debts and/or hurting others?

Are your depression or anxiety symptoms affecting your daily functioning?

Is this Program for Me?

This program is for French-speaking individuals of all ages and their families who are concerned about issues related to mental health and/or addictions concerns. The System Navigator can assist Francophones across South Western Ontario, which includes the following counties:

Emergency Support

Emergency support is available at

Emergency support is available at

Privacy and Confidentiality

We value your privacy and handle your personal health information with respect and sensitivity. We only collect information that will help our team provide you with the best possible care, and we will not share it without your consent.

How do I connect?

Call: 519-673-3242 ext. 1271


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