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Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP)

The STOP (Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients) Program is a province-wide initiative that delivers smoking cessation treatment and counselling support to registered clients of CMHA TVAMHS who wish to quit smoking. 

Is This Program For Me?

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is provided free of charge to clients who wish to quit smoking. NRT products that are available include: patch, inhaler, gum, and lozenge. Clients can receive up to 26 weeks worth of products.

To be eligible, you:

How Do I Get An Appointment?

The STOP program is available for clients already accessing addiction support through CMHA TVAMHS.
Speak with a staff member to discuss submitting a referral.

The STOP Program is led by the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), and is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care as part of its Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy. 


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