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Prevention & Early Intervention Program for Psychoses

Through our Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses (PEPP), we provide early intervention services for individuals aged 16-35 living in St. Thomas or Elgin County who display signs of psychosis, such as hallucinations, delusions or disorganized thought, and who have either had no treatment or have been treated for six months or less.

Young people (men aged 16-25 and women aged 16-35) are at particularly high risk of developing psychosis, and early recognition and assessment are key factors in recovery and management of symptoms. The program is committed to working in partnership with the individual’s family who often play a vital role in outcomes.

Goals & Obejctives

The goal of the PEPP program is to offer a rapid engagement to support and treatment through a
multidisciplinary team in the client’s community. A focus on support, treatment and stabilization to improve overall well-being and to prevent ongoing symptoms of psychosis is at the center of the client’s unique intervention plan.

What We Offer

Assessment, treatment, psychosocial support, family support, peer support, community wellness and

How Do I Get An Appointment?

To connect with our PEPP program, fill out our Get Started Form today.

Call 519-668-0624 ext. 3110 OR email

Who can make a referral?


110 Centre St. | Crisis Centre
St. Thomas

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